Monday, July 14, 2014

Use Blocked Extensions on Chrome

We all have gone through this situation. The extension was working perfectly yesterday, but chrome disabled it today and there is no way we can enable it again. And also even if we install it again, chrome will again disable it after few hours. I searched well for this problem. I wanted one of my favorite extension so badly. Extension name was torbox and it helps to identify the local torrents. Local torrents can have download speed upto 10 times of the regular download speed.

I found two solutions for this problem. First thing is you cannot use these extensions of your official chrome, but you can use one of these chromes
1. Chrome Canary
2. Comodo Dragon
Both browsers use the core files of chrome to work. Chrome Canary is designed for Developers and Comodo dragon is made by Comodo Group, and claimed as more secure browser. For me Chrome Canary didn't work well. I installed it few times but it freezed. Comodo dragon worked well for me. You can use your google ID to sync on both of above chromes.

You can use these URLs on Comodo Dragon Browser to go to directly  settings or extension pages.
